It is important to properly select, install, use and maintain all electrical systems and equipment.

Any use of electrical and mechanical equipment has the potential to create very serious injuries, which can have fatal consequences. As a result, it is of utmost importance to ensure that any use of electricity or mechanical forces, be it with equipment, installation or maintenance, needs to be carried out by a competent, trained person who will be able to determine the risks and the appropriate control measures that can be used in order to lesson the possibility of accident and injury.

Similarly, regarding the use of work equipment and machines, organisations should ensure that work equipment is appropriate for the task it is being used for and is maintained and inspected where necessary.

Image of Electrical Safety

Although much of the equipment such as hand tools may not require electricity to function it is still important for all equipment to come with enough information and instruction in order to be used by a sufficiently trained and competent individual. Many serious accidents that happen at work involve machinery, which is why it is important for workers to be aware of all the possible hazards and risks that come with each machine and be trained on control measures that can aid in preventing accidents from occurring while on the job.


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